What is RHRI?
Currently there is still an unmet need for further research on how to diagnose and treat ovulatory dysfunction. The mission of the Reproductive Health Research Institute (RHRI) is to conduct new research on women’s health, with a particular focus on reproductive endocrinology. We work to improve women’s health by developing research, creating clinical protocols, and advancing scientific knowledge. RHRI was founded in 2014. It is composed of a multidisciplinary group of researchers that includes medical doctors, reproductive endocrinologists, neurobiologists, ecologists, nurses, and psychologists. The Institute is led by Dr. Pilar Vigil (MD, Ph.D., OB/GYN, FACOG) and Dr. Patricio Contreras (MD, Medical Endocrinologist).
FEMM collaborates with RHRI in the training of medical providers in these protocols, and FEMM-trained doctors use RHRI research to provide clinical care around the world.