Meet the Team
The RHRI is a multidisciplinary group of researchers that include medical doctors, reproductive endocrinologists, neurobiologists, ecologists, nurses and psychologists.
The Institute is led by Dr. Pilar Vigil (MD, PhD, OB/GYN, FACOG) and Dr. Patricio Contreras (MD, PhD, medical endocrinologist).

Pilar Vigil is a medical doctor, specialist in obstetrics and gynecology and PhD in Biological Sciences from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Her postdoctoral studies were carried out at the Texas Institute for Reproductive Medicine & Endocrinology, Texas, United States and The Royal Women's Hospital, Melbourne, Australia. Currently she is the medical director of the Reproductive Health Research Institute.

Patricio Contreras is a medical doctor, specialist in endocrinology from the University of Chile with a medical formation in reproductive endocrinology in the California University, San Diego. He had published articles related with endocrinologic disorders associated with metabolic alterations such as diabetes, hypogonadism and insulin resistance.

Yanara Bernal is a nurse and master candidate of science of the Bernardo O’Higgins University. She has experience in clinical studies and she is a research associate in RHRI. She is also a director of the ethics committee of the RHRI.

Carolina Lyon is a nurse-midwife from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. She is a teacher of natural family planning. She has been linked to RHRI since 2013, working on the patient care side as a nurse practitioner with Dr. Pilar Vigil.

Felipe Serrano works as researcher and designer in RHRI. He has a Masters in Cellular and Molecular Biology from Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (2014), and a postgrad in Editorial Design from the University of Chile (2015). He works preparing graphical and editorial material for RHRI publications.