Our Doctors
RHRI has trained over 1,500 doctors and medical providers to use our protocols in the care and treatment of their patients.
Our Medical Network
Our medical network supports doctors by allowing them to build professional connections, collaborate on FEMM work, and refer patients to one another.
Meet Our Doctors
FEMM-Certified physicians practice around the world. Find them all in our comprehensive medical directory.

Dr. Patricio Contreras
MD, PhD, medical endocrinologist
"The hormonal balance that regulates ovulation acts throughout our body, including the brain, thus indicating that ovulation can be understood as a sign of adequate health status that women can easily recognize."

Dr. Lindsay Rerko, D.O.
FEMM-Certified Physician
"Fertility awareness models are the key to preventative medicine because they get to the heart of the problem. Most women stop using contraception because of side effects. What a great alternative to have a model that is free of side effects and helpful in diagnosing health problems."

Dr. Alicia Thompson, D.O.
FEMM-Certified Physician

Dr. Pilar Vigil
"The first sign of an underlying health problem a woman may experience is ovulatory dysfunction, followed by irregular cycles or amenorrhea. Indeed, when pregnancy, lactation, or menopause are not the causes, persistent irregularities in the ovulatory cycle can be associated with lifestyle, stress, drugs, and endocrine, gynecological, autoimmune, nutritional, genetic, and iatrogenic disorders."